2015 Rice Lake Shoreline Erosion Assessment
The Rice Lake Area Association hired a consultant, Freshwater Scientific Services, to conduct a complete lake/creek shoreline erosion assessment in January 2015. The purpose of this assessment was to provide an unbiased account of the damage to the shoreline around the lake and creek and what is suspected of causing that damage. Each of the individual sites which were surveyed shows the degree of erosion, the most likely cause, and what priority level was assigned to that site for proper management of the problem-.

Information on this site relative to the assessment includes:
   - PDF outlining the sites, locations, problems, and assessments.
   - PDF file showing the Site Erosion Severity, Site Exposure to the elements, and Management Prioritizations.
   - Google Earth map (.kmz file) which locates the specific sites to the map.
   - Photos taken of the sites during the assessment.
     - Hover of the photo to see the file name to associate to the respective property site.

The expectations from this study is our hope that those who have shoreline damage take the necessary steps to correct the problem. For those who do not have any shoreline damage, please continue to keep up the good work by following recommended shoreline management practices.


  February 2015
Shoreline Erosion Assessment (Acrobat PDF)
Shoreline Erosion Assessment documentation (Acrobat PDF)
Area map of surveyed area (Save as .KMZ file to your computer and open with Google Earth)
Shoreline Erosion Photo Gallery (click here to be taken to the photo gallery page)
2021 Tree Trimming spreadsheet (on City property)
2021 Tree Trimming spreadsheet (on City property after completion 3/5/2021)