Rice Lake Area Association, Inc.
2002 Annual Meeting Minutes
May 1, 2002
Meeting was held at Maple Grove Community Center. Called to order by President Chuck Berger at 7:15 p.m.
Board Members: Chuck Berger, Joan Schaller, Steve Cady, Laura Schwab, and Bob Cremers.
Others Present: Tim George, Mary Ellen Swanson, Terry & Susan Golding, Joe Yard, Don Waletzko, George Schneider.
Minutes of 2001 Annual meeting were read and a motion was made and passed to approve.
Treasurer's Report (Steve Cady, Treasurer)
Profit & Loss Statement |
4-1-01 thru 3-31-02 |
RLAII income |
bank interest |
$ 6.32 |
dues |
$3,285.00 |
MG reimbursement |
$1,898.00 |
$5,189.32 |
RLAII expense: |
bank charge |
$ 16.00 |
Miscellaneous |
$ 120.55 |
Postmaster |
$ 120.20 |
Printing |
$ 23.08 |
weed treatment |
$3,797.18 |
TOTAL RLAII expense |
$4,077.01 |
$4,077.01 |
$1,112.31 |
Balance Sheet |
Thru 3-31-02 |
Cash and Bank Accounts |
RLAAI checking |
$ 5,416.22 |
RLAAI Savings |
$11,764.18 |
TOTAL Cash and Bank Accounts |
$17,180.40 |
Other Assets |
RLAAI Weed Rakes |
$104.00 |
TOTAL Other Assets |
$104.00 |
TOTAL Assets |
$17,284.40 |
$ 0.00 |
$17,284.40 |
$17,284.40 |
Presidents Report
Requested drawdown in late summer 2001, which was tabled by City Council. Lake Restoration, Inc. did curlyleaf pondweed treatment on May 30, 2001, covering about 1/3 of the requested area. This seemed to help reduce the curlyleaf problem, but escalated the growth of the native weeds such as coontail. The cost for an application in 2002 has increased significantly.
This year's concerns are for both curlyleaf and Eurasian water milfoil (EWM). EWM has increased in pockets throughout the lake, graduating from the 2001 presence primarily near the Fish Lake channel.
There are several treatment options for 2002:
State of Minnesota has passed the 'No Phosphorous' bill, which will go into effect January 2004. Local municipalities are eligible to prohibit phosphorous application of residential lawn treatments (with exceptions) prior to 2004, if they choose.
No weed harvesting was conducted in 2001, since spraying took place for treating curleyleaf. Harvesting is not being ruled out for 2002, if needed.
Drawdown request for 2002
A motion was made and approved to pursue a drawdown for the fall-winter of 2002-2003. The Association will write a letter to the Lake Quality Commission (LQC), asking them to present to the City Council. Support from the LQC will demonstrate to the Council that each of the Maple Grove lakes are behind the effort, even though the other lakes are not in the position to conduct drawdowns themselves.
Election of Directors
Steve Cady's term expired and he was reelected to the Board for another 3-year term and will continue serving as treasurer. George Schneider (14000 92nd Place North in Tristan Bay) was elected to the Board for a 3-year term in an at-large position. His primary function will be in media relations by maintaining the website (www.RiceLake.homestead.com) and assisting with internal documentation and communications. He will also help support Joan Schaller in secretarial tasks.
Tim Zastoupil was released from the Board since he has not been attending meetings any longer.
Current Board of Directors includes:
Chuck Berger (President)
Steve Cady (Treasurer)
Joan Schaller (Secretary)
Dennis Belanger
Bob Cremers
Jim Malone
Roger Olson
Laura Schwab
Bill Grefe
George Schneider
Water Quality Discussion
Joan Schaller led a discussion about the current quality of our water and gave us some insight into what issues the LQC is undertaking. Several parties have raised the question about winter aeration on the lake to help maintain the fish population, especially if future drawdowns are conducted. If aeration is performed, what contribution will the City make? (Since almost 50% of the land surrounding the lake is City-owned, there is a common belief among homeowners that the City should be contributing to a certain extent. State and County governments should also help contribute, as they each own land which borders the lake.) This will be discussed in future RLAA meetings.
Steve McComas from Blue Water Science continues to provide consultation to the City and the Maple Grove lake associations. His expertise will help us decide what options are the best for improving the quality and enjoyment of Rice Lake.
Minnesota Lakes Association membership
A question was raised if RLAA should join the Minnesota Lakes Association (MLS), which serves to assist local lake associations in attaining their own individual goals and objectives. A motion was made, approved and passed to submit the RLAA membership to MLA at an annual cost of $50. Chuck Berger will submit that registration.
Lake Quality Commission updates
Joan Schaller gave an overview of what activities the LQC has on their table in the short and long-term. The LQC supports each of our local lakes and continues to monitor progress, as outlined in the 5-year Lake Management Plan , of which copies were passed around. The LQC is working on improving storm sewer drainage into the lakes with catch basins. Each of the lakes should benefit from this method of trapping unwanted materials before they enter our lakes.
Spreading the Word
Bob Cremers asked if we should be broadening our mailings and information releases beyond the RLAA membership. Since resident's miles away can influence how our lake looks and smells, we should provide these people with information on how their yard work habits can affect our water quality. He suggested we produce flyers to be handed out at a popular event, such as the Maple Grove Days 5k Run around Rice Lake, to remind people how they can improve all of our natural land and waters. Bob's suggestion was met with approval by most of the audience, and Bob and Joe Yard will work on this project to get it started.
Thanks go out to those who attending the meeting. The Association needs more interested participants to further the improvement of water quality on Rice Lake.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.