Rice Lake Area Association, Inc.
2003 Annual Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2003
Meeting was held at Angeno's Restaurant in Grove Square Plaza in Maple Grove. Called to order by President Chuck Berger at 7:15 p.m. after an informal buffet dinner starting at 6:00 p.m.
Board Members: Chuck Berger, Joan Schaller, Steve Cady, Laura Schwab, George Schneider, Jim Malone, and Bob Cremers.
13 RLAA households were represented at the meeting in general attendance.
Approval of 2002 Minutes
Minutes of 2002 Annual meeting were read and a motion was made and passed to approve.
Presidents Report
Requested drawdown in late summer 2002, which was approved by City Council. The lake level was down to almost 6 feet, lower than the most recent drawdowns. A winter aeration unit was purchased by the association in late fall and placed on the lake in deeper water (11' normal depth) in the NW corner of the lake by board member Bob Cremers home. A Maple Grove City umbrella insurance policy covered the aerator for liability. The aerator was iced in late January and was not recoverable until the spring, when it was removed from the water by several board members in the 1st week of April. The lake bottom exposed by the drawdown seemed to be much more compacted than the rest of the lake bottom, which could also help achieve water clarity improvement for 2003 and beyond. The results look very promising for a reduction in non-native weeds for the 2003 season.
No weed harvesting is planned for 2003 pending the results from the drawdown this past year.
Treasurers Report
Steve Cady provided copies of the 2002 Income and Balance statements to all those in attendance. There has been a surplus in the association's account for several years. The dues rate has been lowered to the current $60 (lakeshore) and $40 (lake view) for the past few years for members. No one raised any concerns about the financials.
Treasurer's Report (Steve Cady, Treasurer)
Income Statement |
1-1-02 thru 12-31-02 |
RLAII income |
bank interest |
$ 90.30 |
dues |
$3,630.00 |
MG reimbursement |
$1,898.00 |
$5,618.30 |
RLAII expense: |
Aerator depreciation |
$ 688.00 |
bank charge |
$ 40.00 |
Drawdown |
$ 467.89 |
Miscellaneous |
$ 240.00 |
Postmaster |
$ 90.50 |
Printing |
$ 146.23 |
TOTAL RLAII expense |
$1,672.62 |
$1,672.62 |
$3,945.68 |
Balance Sheet |
Thru 12-31-02 |
Cash and Bank Accounts |
RLAAI checking |
$ 4,626.57 |
RLAAI Savings |
$11,826.86 |
TOTAL Cash and Bank Accounts |
$16,453.43 |
Other Assets |
RLAAI Aerator |
$2,752.00 |
RLAAI Weed Rakes |
$ 0.00 |
TOTAL Other Assets |
$2,752.00 |
TOTAL Assets |
$19,205.43 |
$ 0.00 |
$19,205.43 |
$19,205.43 |
Future Drawdown requests beyond 2002-2003
The DNR has granted Rice Lake approval for future drawdowns as long as the oxygen level is maintained year around. The winter aeration unit that was run for a short time this past winter helped sustain that oxygen level in the lake and essentially no fish kill was realized.
Lake Quality Update
Joan Schaller, our resident member of the Lake Quality Commission (LQC) led a discussion about the current quality of our water and gave us some insight into what issues the LQC is undertaking. Secchi disk readings (water clarity) from last year improved again last year and continues a steady upward trend to improved water quality. Phosphorous and chlorophyll levels were also better (down).
The Minnesota Lakes Association (MLA) does support several different chemicals to be used to fight nuisance weeds; "Sonar" is one of them, but more research needs to be done before total acceptance.
Joan stressed that high water levels continue to contribute to shoreline erosion along both the lake and creek properties. Photos were taken of properties along the entire Rice Lake/Elm Creek area to demonstrate proper and improper shoreline management practices. The LQC will grant funding to those who participate in such positive practices; feel free to submit a grant request for funding on behalf of your lake property. Make sure you are maintaining "buffer zones" along the water edge. Joan made available pamphlets and other literature describing how to follow these practices (the Rice Lake Website also has links to this information).
Joan also introduced a suggestion about getting better cooperation from the city by helping to support building buffers along the city-owned lake property. Examples would be beneficial to both the beauty and functionality of the land, such as sound barriers from tree plantings. This would be especially helpful along the west and southwest corners of the lake along the interstate areas.
Steve McComas from Blue Water Science continues to provide consultation to the City and the Maple Grove lake associations. His expertise will continue to help us decide what options are the best for improving the quality and enjoyment of Rice Lake.
Rough Fish Harvesting
Wade Quale, 14609 91st Ave N, asked if something could be done to reduce the rough fish (non-game fish like carp and bullheads) population in the lake. He fishes the lake often and has seen an overabundance of non-game fish throughout the lake/creek. His investigation found that the last harvesting was done through the DNR by a private commercial fishing firm in 1994. The population has been increasing, which in turn is deteriorating the lake bottom (these rough fish churn up the lake bottom and reduce visibility). Wade volunteered to do some research how we can reduce the rough fish population.
Election of Directors
Several terms expired; 4 of those 5 members were reelected to new 3-year terms:
Joan Schaller, Bob Cremers, Jim Malone, Roger Olson
One board member (Dennis Belanger) was no longer participating in RLAA events and was not reelected.
3 new members were nominated and elected to the Board for 3-year terms:
Wade Quale, Romney Katti, and Jill Brennan
Current Board of Directors includes:
Chuck Berger (President)
Steve Cady (Treasurer)
George Schneider (Secretary)
Joan Schaller
Bob Cremers
Jim Malone
Roger Olson
Laura Schwab
Bill Grefe
Wad Quale (new)
Romney Katti (new)
Jill Brennan (new)
Navigation Hazard
RLAA member Eric Lind (8635 Glacier Lane N) informed everyone his boat recently ran aground on a semi-submerged island on the NW corner of the lake. This same area was marked with a buoy in early April, but a disturbed homeowner carried through his threat to remove the buoy by the next day. Eric was unfortunate enough to hit that unmarked area, which caused $5,400 damage to his i/o lower unit and transom. A local kayaker towed him back to shore after his boat became disabled.
RLAA board members will see check if the local government can install a marker to alert boaters to this dangerous area.
Thanks go out to those who attending the meeting. The Association needs more interested participants to further the improvement of water quality on Rice Lake.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.